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Subject-Verb Agreement Using Expressions of Quantity Exercises

Subject-verb agreement is one of the most essential grammar concepts to master when using English language. It refers to the proper matching of the subject’s number and the verb`s form, specifically for third-person singular subjects. However, this can be challenging when using expressions of quantity.

Expressions of quantity are phrases used to indicate the amount, degree, or extent of something. These expressions often involve numerals, such as “six”, “many”, “a few”, “a dozen”, or “each”. While they can make writing more precise and engaging, they can also make subjects and verbs agree incorrectly if not handled correctly.

Here are some exercises to help you better understand subject-verb agreement using expressions of quantity:

1. Choose the correct verb form to match the subject:

a) Two-thirds of the pizza (is/are) gone already.

b) Several of the applicants (was/were) scheduled for an interview.

c) Both the cat and the dog (likes/like) to play in the garden.

d) All of the books (belongs/belong) to the library.

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct expression of quantity and the corresponding verb form:

a) ________ of the students __________ (has/have) passed the exam.

b) ________ of the milk __________ (is/are) spilled on the table.

c) One of the goals __________ (seems/seem) unattainable.

d) ________ of the cars __________ (needs/need) to be washed.


1. a) are, b) were, c) like, d) belong

2. a) Half, has, b) Some, is, c) One, seems, d) All, need

In expression of quantity sentences, the subject may not always be the noun immediately before the verb. It is essential to identify the actual subject and match it with the correct verb form. In question 1, for instance, consider “of the pizza”, “of the applicants”, and “of the books” as prepositional phrases that do not affect the subject-verb agreement.

Expressions of quantity can also be singular or plural, depending on the context. For example, the expression “one of the goals” in question 2c) is singular because it refers to one particular item out of many. In contrast, the expression “some of the milk” in question 2b) is plural because it refers to an indefinite quantity of milk.

In conclusion, expressions of quantity can be a tricky aspect of English language grammar, especially when it comes to subject-verb agreement. However, with practice and exercises like the ones provided, you can better understand and master this concept. By doing so, you will write with increased clarity, precision, and effectiveness.